Danger Gal RSS Feed Issues

UPDATE: We should be, for the moment at least, spam-free. I’ve eliminated the nasty code that was showing up and installed several security measures to hopefully avoid this problem in the future. I’m now working on tracking down the IP addresses of those responsible. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I’ve heard from a couple readers that my RSS feed has been infected with spam. I made some changes last week that I thought corrected the problem, but if anyone is still encountering issues, please let me know what RSS feed URL you are using. I’ve been unable to replicate the problem with Google Reader and with Bloglines. I have created a new RSS feed through Feedburner and you can subscribe to it through this link or the link in the sidebar.

Please tell me about your issues in the comments of this post or e-mail me directly through the new form on the About Me page. Please remember to include your RSS feed URL and a valid e-mail address if you would like me to try to troubleshoot this issue directly.

Any suggestions on a fix are welcome. I’ve opened a support ticket with my web host to hopefully get to the bottom of this issue.