Blogger Eaten By Flying Spaghetti Monster


Where have I been last week and most of this week?

Why did I slack on last week’s Danger Gal post? Was I eaten by a flying spaghetti monster?

Nope, I’ve been writing! My usually sedate schedule has been erratic this week and I’ve take advantage of some extra time to finish up Silent Elegiac, my science fantasy short story. One more scene to go and this one is done.

I hope to resume Danger Gal posts tomorrow and am also interested in hearing who you think should be profiled. So please leave your ideas in the comments. Looking at the pool of previous Danger Gals, the selection has been fairly homogeneous, so it would be great to break out of that.

By the way, does anyone else think the FSM looks a little like Cthulhu?

(Graphic by Niklas Jansson.)