Naked Dukes and Other Things

Reading now: Sally MacKenzie’s The Naked Duke
There are so many things rattling around in my head today that it’s hard to choose what to blog about. So I’ll start with something naked, which is always fun.
This weekend one of my writerly friends Sally Mackenzie is having a book-signing at Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, MD for her book “The Naked Duke.” Proper Philadelphian Miss Sarah Hamilton’s life is turn upside down when she awakens from her innocent slumber to find herself in bed next to a handsome–and exceedingly naked–man! I wonder what nakedly pithy phrase she’s including in her autographs?
On a more serious note, check out John Stewart’s hilarious appearance on Crossfire a while back. Comparing Crossfire to a World Federation Wrestling– does it get any better than that?
I’m no political pundit, but there’s some interesting, ahem, “entanglements” that other bloggers have uncovered about the Jeff Gannon/James Gukert “Gate.”
On other fronts and backs, I started Donald Maass’ “Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook” last night. My assignment is to figure out who my personal heroes are. Joy. Like that’s going to happen.