Finally, one just has to shut up, sit down, and write.

Italian sculptor Giancarlo Neri constructed this monument called The Writer, a 30-foot structure that overlooks Parliament Fields in Hampstead Heath. In a time when writing involves word processors, online critique groups and other technology that separates the writer from the page, this monument reminds us that writing is a solitary process and not a communal one (that is, until the story is finished, at least). You don’t need a computer or an AlphaSmart or a critique group. But you do need to sit your dupa in a chair and get the story out of your head.
I think it also depicts how a writer’s nature is to see the big picture — to stand outside of society and observe it in order to be able to write about it. Read more about this monument at Augustine’s Blog. See more photos at the Rollo Contemporary Art web site.
Photo credit: Natalie d’Arbeloff
Quote: Natalie Goldberg
Hi Lisa, many thanks for linking to my blog. I’d appreciate your also giving credit for the photo to my name. I don’t know if you’re aware that in order not to use another person’s bandwidth, an image from their site shouldn’t be linked to directly but transferred first to your own site (providing you have their permission).
My notes and photos about the giant table & chair (which were exhibited only temporarily on Hampstead Heath) were posted on Blaugustine August 15, 2005 so anyone interested has to scroll down my blog’s archive and find that date.
I like your blog.
Best wishes.