Nerd Fun: Schrodinger’s LOLcat

Ah c’mon, there’s at least twelve of us.
But there really are only about three people who will get this one (left).
Hint: my cat’s full name is Onyx Schrodinger Spindler The Hutt.
And he’s not that fat anymore. The guy is half the man he used to be.
I think we should start an LOLCthulhu.
Holy god.
Odd toota mischka kitty du hutt?
Bo Shuda!
Ta kur pe je lax ne punu isok!
Srsly, I must have this.
Or how about this?
That Super Cthulhu is kinda cute. “Able to devour whole worlds in a single gulp! Able to squash heads with just a look! And he likes ketchup.”