Parallel Universe: Embracing the Other

I’m blogging in the Parallel Universe event over at the Galaxy Express. Parallel Universe is a science fiction romance online event that will coincide with the Romance Writers of America’s 30th Annual National Conference (July 28-31 in Orlando, FL). Parallel Universe will feature a series of guest posts from authors and bloggers on a variety of science fiction romance topics.
My contribution to the event is a post on Embracing The Other:
Science Fiction and Science Fiction Romance present an opportunity to embrace the “other,” whether that other is the other gender, the other ethnic group, the other sexual orientation, or the other from another planet. From the many Danger Gal profiles I’ve written for my own blog, I’ve been confronted with asking myself as a writer and a reader: Why is this character this gender? Why is this character from this ethic group? Do these elements enrich the story or are they just default self-limiting tropes?
Come join us!
Photo credit: Lee Davy/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)