She’s a man, baby?
I’m not sure what to think about this, but the Gender Genie pegged the first two scenes of my novel AVATAR as written by a man. Go figure.

I’m not sure what to think about this, but the Gender Genie pegged the first two scenes of my novel AVATAR as written by a man. Go figure.
I tried that on my blog a couple years ago. Got the same result.
Oh Lisa! And I thought you were so rugged!
Well, _we_ all know you’re an ickle pwetty girgle.
I wonder what’d happen if you submitted text with nothing but the word “woman” written over and over again…?
I tried it by submitting the word “woman” 384 times. The analysis came back as “gender unkown!” See the screencap here. That graphic makes me giggle.
Snort! I wonder what linguistic criteria they’re basing that on…
“gender unknown”? What a crock!