Drafted into the SFR Brigade

I’ve joined ranks with the Science Fiction Romance (SFR) Brigade and am blogging over there today about the importance of setting, especially in Science Fiction. Please visit and be sure to comment. I’ll be blogging over there at least once a month and will announce every new posting here on my own blog.

Inspiration Point: The Importance of Setting

As a writer I’m always on the hunt for new and interesting settings for my stories. As a reader I’m always interested in experiencing the past or the future through a great book. World-building, either past or future, is always one of the most fun parts of a story for me. Right now, so close to the event, I can’t decide whether I want to use the night’s setting in a contemporary story or a futuristic one. Should my heroine attend a similar party in a similar venue, or should the venue take place in on another planet?

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